Castlnau Dentists

Cheek Enhancement

Add volume and definition to your cheek bones
and also lift the mid-lower face.

Whether it’s to treat volume loss due to ageing or weight loss, or just a desire to have more defined cheekbones, cheek filler will bring the face into balance and make the cheekbones more prominent. This will provide instant, razor-sharp definition and a natural-looking, youthful appearance.

Other benefits to cheek enhancement include smoothing and hydrating the skin in the mid-face and reducing the nose-to-mouth lines (nasolabial folds), effectively lifting the entire face.

Here at Castelnau Dentists we offer treatment in the form of 'Dermal Fillers' which are specifically designed for these trouble-some areas. Treatment is provided by Christie Lawton - who is an experienced Facial Aesthetics practitioner. To organise an appointment for a Free Consultation (to discuss any questions or queries you may have in a confidential and relaxed environment), please call us on 020 8563 7177 or email us at 

Cheek Enhancement

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers work by boosting the skin’s supply of hyaluronic acid. They revitalise and add volume to the skin, instantly diminishing the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and giving a natural softer look. Dermal fillers are a soft injectable gel consisting of stabilized, non-animal hyaluronic acid. The gel is tissue-friendly and closely resembles the hyaluronic acid that exists naturally in the body. It is long-lasting but not permanent.


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Add volume and definition to your cheek bones

Please see an example below of before and after treatment:


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What is dermal filler?

Dermal filler is a specially-formulated substance containing Hyaluronic Acid (HA). HA is found naturally throughout our bodies and acts as a lubricant and moisturiser, however as we age, we lose HA which reduces volume, shape and elasticity.

Dermal fillers work by boosting the skin’s supply of hyaluronic acid. They revitalise and add volume to the skin, instantly diminishing the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and giving a natural softer look. Dermal fillers are a soft injectable gel consisting of stabilized, non-animal hyaluronic acid. The gel is tissue-friendly and closely resembles the hyaluronic acid that exists naturally in the body. It is long-lasting but not permanent.

How many ml of filler will I need?

Depending on the level of volume loss, it is possible that 1ml of dermal filler per side is necessary to achieve the desired treatment outcome. This is something which would be discussed during your consultation. It is always possible to add more product at a later stage; always waiting at least 2 weeks before topping up.

How much does this treatment cost?

1ml filler = £300

2ml filler = £500

Will you help me decide what I’d like to do?

Yes. Prior to all treatments, we will undergo a thorough consultation- ideally in person, or over a pre-arranged Zoom video call. We will evaluate your medical history; discuss any concerns you may have and finally acquire your desired outcomes of treatment. Following this, we will agree together a safe treatment plan which meets your exact needs.

How long does treatment take?

The actual procedure will take around 20 minutes, however please allow up to 45 minutes to enable us to carry out a full examination/consultation, take clinical photos and apply anaesthetic cream to the area.

Will it be painful?

This varies from person to person, depending on each individual’s pain threshold. To reduce any discomfort, topical anaesthetic will be applied before your procedure, plus there is anaesthetic in the filler product.

When will I see the results?

You will see an immediate result after your lip treatment however, this will not be your final result. Optimum results will be seen after 2 weeks.

Will I need some down-time post-treatment?

Bruising and swelling post treatment is possible. This can happen instantly and can occasionally be asymmetrical. Swelling should begin to subside in the first 48 hours and will subside completely in just 2 weeks. Down-time is recommended the day of your treatment where possible.

Your clinician will advise you on your aftercare during your treatment appointment. You will be advised to stop wearing makeup for up to 6 hours. You will also be told to avoid the sun, as well as saunas and steam rooms, for 2 weeks.

How long does cheek filler last?

Cheek contouring results can last between 12-18 months. The longevity of results may vary depending on each individual’s metabolism of the product and lifestyle factors. Gradually, results will begin to diminish, and at any point you are welcome to return for a ‘top-up’ treatment to restore your desired look.

Are there any complications associated with cheek filler?

As with any minor medical procedure, of course complications are possible. Bruising and swelling is the most common side effect of dermal filler. Swelling is occasionally asymmetrical due to hyaluronic acid being unpredictable- meaning water may be absorbed more in certain areas. These lumps should subside within 2 weeks.

Delayed onset of nodules is possible but rare. Complications will be discussed during your consultation to ensure you are fully informed. Before leaving, we always try to ensure that you are happy post-treatment, however in the unlikely event of any minor lumps appearing which cause concern, please contact us to discuss the options available to you. If seeking correctional treatment for a previous treatment of past work conducted by another clinic, if you’re happy to do so, it is recommended that in the first instance you contact your original practitioner to discuss your concerns.

Complications, albeit rare, can happen to even the most highly skilled injectors; which is why it is imperative that we know exactly how to act in these instances. Be rest assured, if ever any treatments were not to go to exactly plan, I am fully trained (by Dr Tim Pearce, Skin Viva) in the handling of all complications associated with non-surgical facial aesthetics.

What are the contraindications of dermal fillers?

  • Active infection at the site being injected
  • A known allergy/hypersensitivity to filler products
  • A known allergy/hypersensitivity to lidocaine, the anaesthetic in some dermal fillers
  • Pregnant or breast feeding women
  • Not to be combined with facial peelings, laser or ultrasound-based treatments
  • Patients with autoimmune diseases 
  • Anybody under the age of 18
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Are you interested in finding out how we add volume to lips? Why not book a Free Consultation with us today:

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